Announcement of ‘Safety’ as the Top Priority of K-water

K-water announced on August 11 a revised edition of the ‘Charter for Safety and Health Management’ at the ceremony held at K-water’s head office in Daedeok-gu, Daejeon, officially expressing its strong will to secure safety and health for both its employees and the entire Korean people. The ceremony, held to announce the new charter containing the corporation’s philosophy on and will to practice safety-focused management, was participated in—both online and offline—by K-water’s management represented by its CEO Yun Seog-dae and all the employees and the labor union leadership represented by its president Roh Cheol-min. The ceremony was also graced by the representatives of affiliated companies who expressed their strong will with regard to the principle of safety. According to the new charter, K-water would be dedicated to the ▲ construction of an effective system taking swift actions to ensure safety, ▲ management to secure safety as a top priority and close communication and respect for its partners sharing the principle of safety management, ▲ compliance with the obligation to secure safety and health and create a safe working environment, and ▲ materialization of zero disasters through incessant identification of hazards and risk factors.
“All K-water employees need to keep in mind that safety is the top priority of our company so they should try harder to create a safer working environment and establish a safety-centered culture,” K-water CEO Yun Seog-dae stressed during his address at the ceremony. He also expressed his determination “as the chief of the people’s corporation” to “pour all his resources into keeping people safe and help K-water be reborn as a company more trusted and respected by the public based on the principles of safety and health management that can meet the demands of Korean people.”