Water, Nature, and Humankind
News on / 2024. 10

  • 01 Algal Bloom Managers' Symposium

    The algal bloom managers' symposium was held under the theme of “Understanding Nature, the First Step Toward Overcoming Algal Blooms” on September 3 at the K-water headquarters in Daejeon. The symposium was aimed at sharing accurate information on algal blooms amid the growing public interest in them and finding ways to respond to algal blooms under the circumstances of accelerating climate change.
    The nation’s top experts gathered at the symposium, gave presentations, and exchanged ideas during in-depth discussions on the topic. Experts emphasized in unison that the key solution to growing algal blooms is to control the amount of phosphorus and nitrogen by blocking pollutants from entering water sources, and that a pan-government cooperation system should be established to address the problem. Other solutions include creating a nationwide algal bloom management agency, building a Korean-style algal bloom management model through private-public-industry-academe-research collaboration, and expanding the introduction of water treatment systems. “K-water will do the best it can, based on objective and scientific data, to come up with ways to cope with algal blooms,” K-water president Yun Seog-dae said.

  • 02 2024 Open Grand Forum

    K-water and National Assembly Water Forum jointly held the 2024 Open Grand Forum on September 5. Under the theme of “Sustainable Water Management in the Era of Climate Crisis,” the forum was attended by more than 100 people including K-water president Yun Seog-dae, Chairperson Jeong-ae Hahn of the National Assembly Water forum, and Chairperson Deuk-hyo Bae of the National Water Management Committee.
    The forum was opened with the keynote speech by Secretary general Yeon-cheol Yoo of the UN Global Compact Network Korea on the topic of “Global Climate Crisis and Response of the International Community,” followed by presentations by Professor Ju-hun Lee of Joongbu University, Professor Doo-il Kim of Dankuk University, and Professor Jae-hong Choi of Gachon University. Highlights of the forum also include improving water balance analysis based on drought analysis data, reusing wastewater, and desalinating seawater as possible solutions to the global water crisis, as well as ways to make inroads into overseas water markets. The follow-up discussion focused on future water management strategies in the face of climate crisis, as well as policies and recommendations.

  • 03 K-water Wins Bronze Medal in Water Technology at the 47th WorldSkills International

    Jeong-bo Huh of K-water won the bronze medal in the category of water technology at the 47th WorldSkills International held in Lyon, France.
    At the international event that took place from September 11 to 14, Huh skillfully and calmly performed the tasks in the four categories including assembly and inspection of a water treatment system, water quality analysis, and facility maintenance & repair, winning the bronze medal for his stable and expert skills. WorldSkills International is a competitive event for skilled people to demonstrate their vocational skills in different categories. Since water technology was adopted as an official category in 2019, employees of K-water have been selected to represent Korea at the event, raising the global profile of Korea’s water technology.

  • 04 21st Love of Water National Rowing Competition

    The 21st Love of Water National Rowing Competition was held for three days on September 6 through 8. K-water launched the national rowing competition at Andong Dam in 2003 to foster and promote the sport of rowing and boost the local economy. Since then, it has been held annually. Over 300 people or 49 teams participated in 43 races in 7 categories during the competition held in Gimhae, Gyeongsangnam-do. K-water won the championship in the adult men’s group, with the Chungju City Government Team winning in the women’s college teams and adult women group. Inje University emerged victorious in the men’s college teams group, with Suseong High School winning in the men’s high school teams group and Hosanna High School winning in the women’s high school teams group.

  • 05 K-water Showcases Cutting-Edge Water Safety Technology at K-Safety EXPO 2024

    K-water operated the largest-scale promotional booth ever in its history at K-Safety EXPO 2024. The special K-water promotional booth set up in the ICT Climate Disaster Special Zone presented a wide range of creative, top-tier water management technologies developed to meet the needs of the climate crisis era. In focus were three major super-gap technologies: Digital Garam+, K-water’s flagship water disaster response technology in the form of a water management digital twin platform for flood simulations in virtual space; AI water purification plant; and Smart Water Network Management (SWNM). “As the leading water manager of Korea, K-water will always do its best to keep people safe from climate disasters through scientific water management,” K-water president Yun Seog-dae said.