K-water FOCUS
2024 First-Half Onboarding for New Employees
Meet the Future Leaders of K-water 2024
The 2024 First-Half Onboarding for New Employees ran for two weeks starting March 18 as the first step in developing the manpower that will shape a better future for K-water. Four of the newly recruited K-water employees have been asked to share their thoughts on the onboarding program and their plans as new members of K-water.
Text by the Editorial Team Source: K-water

Mini interview

I left home in Changwon at 5 a.m., and I was so excited and thrilled all the way to Daejeon. Well, I had my job interview with K-water at the HR Development Center. Back then, I was worried that I wouldn’t get hired. Now that I am back at the center for onboarding, it feels quite different. I feel relieved and hopeful, knowing that this is now my workplace. Throughout the program, people were all very nice and friendly to me. I will also do my part to blend and bond with other employees.

Even after I was told that I got the job at K-water, I still couldn’t believe I was now a member of K-water. When I saw the welcome banner on the first day of onboarding, I realized that I became part of K-water. Initially, we felt a bit awkward as we knew little about each other, but during each break, all of us new employees gathered together and shared our thoughts. We also worked together to film our UCC every chance we got. Soon, we quickly bonded and developed a sense of solidarity (smiles). As a new employee, I will try to stick to the basics and maintain integrity whatever I do and wherever I do my job.

When I found out that I landed the job at K-water, I briefly thought, "Maybe there was a technical error on the website." But when I got together with the other new hires, it started to sink in. All the moments I shared with other new employees were precious. We really enjoyed nice chats over instant noodles at the store in the building, which I think will remain one of the best memories for me. I would like to thank all of the K-water employees involved in organizing the onboarding program for such a fun and informative program. My motto is to be someone whom my colleagues can turn to when they need help.

I was extremely thrilled and happy on my way to this onboarding session, reminding myself that I am now officially hired by K-water, Korea’s No. 1 employer in the environmental field. The entire two-week program was informative and useful, but the room escape was the most memorable. Everybody showed great manners and respect for one another while exchanging ideas. I love you guys! I will try to remember what I learned during the onboarding program and use it to help myself and others at work. I will work on building a reputation of a value creator who gets the job done.

I joined K-water in 2018. I can’t believe how fast time has flown, and I am now in charge of this onboarding program for 129 new hires. It was indeed such a great time for me. From the first time we met to the last day of the program, every moment was special to me. What was most impressive to me was all the messages that the new employees wrote for me on a huge sheet of paper. I was lucky to be part of your new beginning, and I will always be here for you. Good luck to you all!