K-water News : Water, Nature and Humankind 2024. MAY VOL.674

K-water NEWS

K-water NEWS


K-water Launches the New Growth Speed-up Group to Preoccupy the Global Water Market

K-water is hastening to preoccupy the global water market with the launch of the New Growth Speed-up Group. To this end, it will align its strategies with future water industry trends and implement such strategies promptly so as to seize opportunities for new growth. In this context, the key role of the group will be identifying new business opportunities in 5 core areas: making a shift to digital water management; securing and utilizing new weirs; managing the water environment; developing renewable energy; and augmenting global competitiveness. Furthermore, K-water plans to strengthen enterprise communication and review project feasibility and financial impacts and investment plans in order to allocate resources to promising businesses; thus strengthening its competitive edge in the global market through timely selection and concentration.


Eco-Friendly Hydrothermal Energy to be Supplied to Pangyo Techno Valley

K-water and the Ministry of Environment will supply hydrothermal energy for the Pangyo 641 Project as part of the Hydrothermal Energy Promotion and Support Pilot Project. Under the project, NC Soft and Mirae Asset Financial Group will establish the Global RDI Center and a mixed-use complex, respectively. The groundbreaking ceremony was held on April 3, 2024. This is the first of the individual buildings located in Seoul and Gyeonggi area to be sponsored by the Hydrothermal Energy Promotion and Support Pilot Project, under which 50% of the facility design and installation cost will be funded by the government when buildings owned by private corporations, public organizations, or local governments wish to use hydrothermal energy. Hydrothermal energy will account for around 60% of the heating & cooling load for a new building; thus reducing the annual carbon emissions by around 1,900 tons, which is equivalent to 324,000 pine trees.


2024 Daedeok Water Light Festival, a Channel for Communication with Local Communities

The water-themed 2024 Daedeok Water Light Festival took place from March 29 to May 6. Celebrating the 50th anniversary of K-water headquarters' relocation to Daejeon, K-water participated in the festival and offered a variety of programs aimed at further boosting communication with local communities. The Daecheong Dam Water Culture Museum held a special exhibition of works that won awards at the Love for Water Contest featuring the theme “water in your daily life.” In addition, K-water set up a portable smart tap water-drinking fountain to allow people to taste tap water and operated the “Bangwoori Photo Zone and Cart.” K-water will continue to expand its community engagement in different fields and get actively involved in invigorating the local economy.


Greater Green Cooperation with Uzbekistan in Water Management

K-water is expanding cooperation with the international community to increase the green exports of Korea’s water industry. K-water president Yun Seog-dae met with officials of the Uzbek government in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on April 16 to discuss ways of greater cooperation in the water industry. K-water will work closely with Uzbekistan in responding to the climate crisis through carbon emission reduction. Specifically, it will develop international cooperation projects designed to resolve water issues by employing digital water management technology as a type of super-gap technology including digital twin, AI water purification plants, and smart pipe management systems.


K-water, Kyrgyzstan Government Agree on the Expansion of Renewable Energy and Carbon Reduction Projects

K-water is expanding its global cooperation to cope with climate crisis and promote water industry exports. As part of such efforts, K-water president Yun Seog-dae met with the high-ranking officials of the Kyrgyz government to discuss ways of stronger cooperation in the water industry and concluded MOUs during his visit to the country. K-water and the Kyrgyz government signed two major MOUs. The first MOU focuses on joint efforts in developing greenhouse gas emission reduction projects in Kyrgyzstan and linking them to ODA, including transfer of emission rights to Korea. The second highlights cooperation with public hydropower plants under the Ministry of Energy of Kyrgyzstan by utilizing K-water’s expertise and knowhow in hydropower generation from several years' experience in operating multi-purpose dams.